If you want to make your money work harder than it would in a typical savings account, you may do it yourself using Freetrade App with coachAOG.
If you want to make your money work harder than it would in a typical savings account, you could invest it. If you go this route, you can give your money to a robo-investor like Wealthify, who will handle everything for you. Alternatively, you may do it yourself.
This is where a platform like FreeTrade can help. Years ago, you would have had to speak with a financial advisor, who would have taken a large cut of your investments, or you could turn to someone like Hargreaves Lansdown, who charges you a large sum for every transaction you make and then charges you a small cut of your portfolio on a regular basis. Platforms like FreeTrade are transforming the investment industry because the fees are so low that entry barriers are disappearing.
That's the beauty of investing: you can choose almost anything! This is where you should do your research and learn about the various types of investments. If you don't know the difference between a stock and an ETF, we recommend doing some more research!
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