Hi, I am usually known as coachAOG online but my name is Ayo Ogunrekun. I love technology and I am a digital marketing consultant who specialises in building Google's Core Web Vitals into my client's websites whilst leveraging my creative mind for beautiful brand guidelines and experience.
As coachAOG, I consult within the tech space, do business coaching, motivate my community via YouTube and social media contents.
Lool! I am just being real.
Anyway, whichever way you preferred to call me, Ayo or coachAOG, it is perfectly OK!
I strongly believe in open-mindedness. If you are not a open minded individual, chances for you to believe a new concept will be low.
My definition of philosophy is simple and easy to understand. "It is the ability to be open and sort through information to choose the one that is valuable." That's it.
So I have many good information that you can sort through and pick the ones that is useful and valuable to you. Click below, they are potentially free - Lol!
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